
Do You Earn Money As A Missionary


Missionary Income: How Much Money Do They Make?


A common question that missionaries and non-missionaries alike will ask is "How do missionaries brand money?" And even more importantly, how much do they make? This is such a common question because the reply is very obscure, unknown, and varies from person to person. Nonetheless, we have really found answers for this post. It turns out that there are statistics for missionary salary and there is a variety of ways apropos how missionaries make their income.

How much money do missionaries make on average? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, religious workers tin make anywhere of $19,400 annually to $58,320 annually. However, for a missionary, the boilerplate is roughly $30,000 per year with the BLS and'southward statistics taken into account.

Beneath, we will go into the logistics and nitty-gritty details of missionary income. These details will aid you to farther understand why missionary salaries vary, how missionaries make coin, and what to expect if you lot or your loved i is a missionary.

Why Does the Income Vary So Profoundly?

As we tin can see from the BLS, a missionary worker's income can vary by close to $40,000. That is quite drastic. Then what makes the income of a missionary vary so greatly? This can be answered by the principle of where missionaries choose to receive their salary from. The statistics do non even account for missionaries running a business for missions, therefore the results do not stand for the entire population. It is a difficult task to measure out missionary salary and to put precise amounts due to the variations of how missionaries receive their incomes.

Some other factor that is rarely taken into account, simply is very important, is the benefits that missionaries accept. While the BSL does not consider these as income, benefits such equally instruction, health insurance, and paid furloughs are all fiscal benefits of missionaries. Education can often be paid for by missionary sending organizations or churches for linguistic communication learning courses or courses for TEFL (Teach English to a Foreign Language). Often times, health insurance will be covered by the nation that the missionary lives in or by their missions agency or church. Lastly, we mentioned furloughs. These are paid retreats for the missionary to render home. This could be considered "paid time off" considering the missionary is technically not working for their career while taking a furlough.

Income Examples

Here is an example of the diversity of expectations that a missionary can make based on income from

"The corporeality y'all can await to earn really depends on the organization funding the mission. For instance, Campus Crusade for Christ offered an annual salary of $ii,549 for a unmarried missionary and $6,502 for a missionary family in 2009. The Evangelical Free Church of America, on the other hand, provided $1,150 a month, or $13,800 a twelvemonth, for a single missionary, and this amount was doubled for couples going into missionary service. With Change Volunteers, the pay is anywhere from $35,000 to $50,000 for a mission in Africa."

The "Boilerplate Missionary Bacon" by, showed their study that they conducted of missionary income from 15 different missionaries. Here were their findings;

An early on career Missionary with 1-iv years of experience earns an boilerplate full bounty (includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay) of $40,976 based on fifteen salaries. A mid-career Missionary with 5-9 years of experience earns an average full bounty of $42,500 based on 6 salaries. An experienced Missionary with 10-19 years of feel earns an boilerplate total compensation of $45,781 based on eleven salaries. In their tardily career (xx years and higher), employees earn an average total bounty of $45,615.

Where Do Missionaries Receive Their Bacon From?

To answer this question shortly, missionaries receive their income from a variety of sources such every bit mission sending agencies, partnership/sponsorship, churches, and businesses. Allow's look into these categories further.

Mission Sending Agencies

Typically, missionaries are sent out past a "sending agency". These sending agencies are Christian organizations that help missionaries effectively get on the field. They will offer support for the missionary and the residue of the family. Some of the support offered will include travel knowledge, housing assist, medical insurance, visas, etc. These are hurdles that the travel agency will have expertise in, and will aid the missionary to maneuver in club to get on the field. The bureau does not receive much money from the missionary and are typically not-profits or privately funded.

Once the missionary is working with the sending agency, the missionary may receive a bank check every month from them. This counts every bit the missionary'due south income or bacon. Typically, this money volition come through the missionary's donors or churches.


We touched briefly on this above, but let'south explore this section a piffling farther. This could be considered the well-nigh important topic that we touch on because well-nigh all missionaries receive their income from partnership, in some course or some other.

But what does partnership hateful? From the web log, Partnership Evolution: An Cease to Traditional Fundraising, nosotros learn;

"Partnership Development is a cycle of nurturing relationships while communicating who you are and intentionally inviting others to partner with you in a long-term vision through fiscal support"

So many missionaries receive their income from the financial back up of others who are partnering with them in their missions piece of work. The sending agency will typically handle the money for the missionary in an business relationship and assist the missionary with taxes at the stop of the yr.

Business concern

Today, many missionaries are straying from the traditional route of partnership and fundraising. Business equally Missions is a new tendency for missionaries to receive income. This is an thought with many layers, just financially speaking, it is a great source of income for a missionary. When a missionary chooses to have an income from their business, they are paid through their own acquirement, while also being a missionary. Many people equate this to Paul's tentmaking concern, in which he used to support himself while on missionary journeys.


In that location are many denominations of churches that will fully fund a missionary and fifty-fifty their entire family. This usually comes with the limitation of the missionary having to be a member of that denomination and typically the missionary must follow that denominations "rules" while on the field. However, this is a great way to be funded for missionaries and their families. Information technology is powerful to run into an entire congregation support a whole family while on the mission field.

What to Expect as a Missionary

Equally we can see in a higher place, there are many variables when information technology comes to missionary income. Equally a missionary, you can await to receive the income that you have worked towards. If you have a business organisation or are starting a business organization overseas as missions, and then your income will depend greatly upon your business. While if you have partnered with an unabridged church building or denomination, then you can expect to have the income in which both parties agreed upon. The option that is probable to be less predictable is partnership and sending agencies.

With partnership, your income with be greatly influenced by the contribution and loyalty of your partners. If a large donor of yours decides to end giving, your income volition be dramatically affected. Likewise, your mission sending agency is besides affected past the amount that others give, so your income volition be less stable if you have less finically stable partners.


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