
How To Get Rid Of A Cramp In Your Stomach

Stomach cramps are extremely painful, but it's possible to relieve them by treating the underlying cause, which you may even be able to do at home. Possible causes of stomach cramps can come from your digestive organs, aorta, appendix, kidneys, gallbladder, or spleen. They can also originate from an infection elsewhere in your body. Cramps are commonplace for some women during their menstrual cycle, although exercises can often alleviate such pain. The strength of pain does not always necessarily indicate seriousness: very painful cramps can be caused by gas passing through your digestive system harmlessly, whereas life-threatening conditions such as colon cancer and early appendicitis can produce mild or even no pain.

Treating Heartburn/Indigestion

  1. Look for signs of heartburn and/or indigestion. Although heartburn and indigestion are different, indigestion can lead to heartburn. Indigestion, or dyspepsia, is that is usually accompanied by a feeling of fullness. Heartburn, on the other hand, is a painful, burning feeling just below or behind the breastbone. This is caused by a "reflux" of stomach acid and food into the esophagus (the muscular tube that leads to your stomach).

    • Additional signs that you have heartburn or indigestion include fullness and discomfort after eating and/or a burning sensation below the breastbone generally after eating.
    • See if you have any sensitivity after eating certain foods, such as gluten, eggs, or peanuts. Try eliminating the foods from your diet for 4 weeks to see if your symptoms improve.
  2. Check for signs of small intestine bacterial overgrowth. Small intestine bacterial overgrowth, or SIBO, can cause cramps, bloating, gassiness, and abdominal discomfort. Talk to your primary healthcare provider if you have any of the symptoms to see if there's a prescription antibiotic or antifungal you can get.

  3. Make lifestyle changes. Lifestyle changes can help prevent and resolve heartburn and indigestion.

  4. Take antacids for short-term relief. Over-the-counter antacids or acid blockers can help relieve heartburn and indigestion. Many different forms are available on the market. Some antacids can have side effects such as constipation or diarrhea. Talk to your pharmacist or doctor to choose the best one for you.

    • Avoid taking antacids over a long-term period of time since it could make SIBO, malabsorption, or IBS feel worse.
  5. Try herbal/natural remedies. If you prefer herbal remedies, alternative medication may help relieve heartburn or indigestion.

Treating Gas

  1. Identify if you have gas. Often, gas can cause stomach pain and a bloated feeling. Signs that you are experiencing gas include frequent belching or burping and flatulence. Gas can also cause abdominal cramps, as well as a tightness or knotted feeling in your abdomen.

  2. Make lifestyle changes. Lifestyle changes can help resolve and prevent gas. Some lifestyle changes that you can make include:

    • Drinking more water and less carbonated or fizzy drinks
    • Avoiding vegetables that cause more gas, such as legumes, broccoli, and cabbage
    • Avoiding high-fat or high-sugar foods
    • Eating slower to avoid swallowing air
  3. Look for food intolerances. Cut out certain foods to see if intolerance of those foods is the cause. For example, milk and dairy products may cause cramps and stomach pain in people who are lactose intolerant.

  4. Take an over-the-counter remedy. OTC Digestive enzymes may be useful if you are lactose intolerant. A digestive aid, such as Beano, can help digest beans and vegetables. Charcoal tablets can also help relieve bloating and gas.

Treating Constipation

  1. Consider if constipation is another symptom. Constipation can also cause stomach pain. Signs of constipation include

  2. Make lifestyle changes. Lifestyle changes can help resolve and prevent constipation. Some lifestyle changes that you can make include:

    • Adding more fiber to your diet. Fruits, vegetables, and grains are high in fiber.
    • Drinking a lot of water (at least 8 – 13 glasses daily)
    • Exercising regularly
  3. Take an effective medication. There are many OTC laxatives and fiber supplements; however, many laxatives may have side effects. Choosing the appropriate one may help relieve constipation. It is important to note that laxatives are not for long-term use.

  4. Try an herbal remedy. Alternative medications may help relieve constipation. It has soluble fiber that can help with constipation.

Treating Menstrual Cramps

  1. Look for a correlation between cramping and your period. Menstrual cramps in the lower abdomen are experienced by women usually just before and/or during their periods. Sometimes they can be serious and indicate endometriosis or uterine fibroids.

  2. Make lifestyle changes to relieve your symptoms. Lifestyle changes that can help relieve menstrual cramps include exercise, stress management, and avoiding tobacco and alcohol. In addition, studies have shown that vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B-1 (thiamine), vitamin B-6, and magnesium supplements may reduce menstrual cramps.

  3. Try over-the-counter treatments. may help if your cramps are predictable. Try a 200-400 mg dose of ibuprofen up to 3 times per day. You can continue taking the medicine as directed by your doctor for 2 to 3 days or until your symptoms go away. If your cramps are severe, your doctor can also prescribe birth control, which can reduce the severity of your cramps.

    • Try applying a warm heating pad on your lower abdomen for 15-20 minute increments.
  4. Try herbal alternatives. Some studies have found that acupuncture (inserting thin needles through your skin at strategic points) helps relieve menstrual cramps. In addition, some herbs such as fennel or chamomile may help with the cramps as well.

Treating Stomach Flu

  1. Look for other flu-like symptoms. Gastroenteritis, or the "stomach bug," can cause severe stomach pain.

  2. Stay hydrated. Dehydration is the most common issue with gastroenteritis, so drink a lot of liquids such as water and diluted sports drinks (undiluted, sports drinks contain too much sugar. Try cutting them by adding more water.). Take them in frequent sips. Get medical help if you cannot keep down liquids.

  3. Let your stomach settle. In addition to stomach cramps, vomiting and nausea are associated with gastroenteritis. Let your stomach settle then slowly begin to eat easy-to-digest and bland foods. Avoid spicy and fatty food, dairy products, caffeine, and alcohol for a few days.

  4. Get plenty of rest. Getting rest is important to be able to recover quickly. Rest helps promote your immune system, which will help you reduce downtime while you have symptoms.

  5. Wash your hands often. Viral gastroenteritis, commonly known as the stomach flu or stomach bug, is highly contagious and can cause diarrhea and stomach pain. If a friend, family member, or coworker has the stomach flu, make sure to wash your hands often to prevent the spread of it.

Using Other Techniques to Relieve Discomfort

  1. Use breathing techniques. Breathing is relaxing and can divert your attention from the pain of mild cramps. You can do this while doing something else that will divert your attention, such as watching a television show.

    • Focus on your breathing.
  2. Avoid certain beverages. Alcohol or any caffeinated or carbonated drink can add to abdominal pain. Sip water or clear fluids.

  3. Try to exercise the cramps away. Take a walk around your house, or in the garden. This can be helpful when you find that sitting or lying down is uncomfortable. Moving around can help relieve intestinal and stomach discomfort.

    • You may find it best to while experiencing cramps due to the discomfort, especially because cramps may result from exercise itself if you push yourself too hard. Know your limits.
  4. Try yoga. Some evidence suggests yoga may help with stomach issues such as irritable bowel syndrome. If you're familiar with yoga, consider some Depending on where the cramps are, consider fish pose or reclining hero. Downward facing dog can also be helpful.

    • If your cramps are muscular in nature, exercise your abdominal muscles at another time and merely stretch them in the cobra pose. Any position where you are facing up, looking forward or facing the ceiling will result in a minuscule amount of abdominal tension.
  5. Use a heating pad. Place a heating pad, heated wheat bag, or hot water bottle on your stomach to give temporary relief, especially for menstrual cramps. While some advice suggests not to apply the heating pad to your abdomen in case this brings on nausea, other advice considers this to be appropriate. Decide on which approach best suits your needs through your knowledge of your own preferences and responses to the application of heat.

  6. Pass gas. Allow yourself to pass gas. If you are at work or somewhere this might be embarrassing or inappropriate, just excuse yourself and go to the restroom. You do not want to allow yourself to become bloated or let the cramps become more serious and painful by holding in your gas.

  7. Take a soak in a warm bath. The heat from a warm bath can help soothe and relax your stomach cramps and is really effective at relieving the pain caused by menstrual cramps.Don't make it too hot, just comfortable.

Contacting Your Doctor

  1. Know when to get immediate assistance. Knowing when to contact a doctor or get help is essential. Stomach pain is a symptom of many different issues and some can be serious, such as peptic ulcers, pancreatitis, appendicitis, autoimmune disease, gall bladder issues, cancer, and more. Generally for stomach pain, get help immediately if:

    • You have abdominal pain that is sudden and sharp, or you have pain in your chest, neck, or shoulder
    • You're vomiting blood or have blood in your stool
    • Your abdomen is hard and tender to touch
    • You can't move your bowels and are also vomiting
    • You can't hold down liquids
  2. Determine if your heartburn/indigestion requires medical assistance. Though these conditions are typically minor and can easily be treated with over-the-counter medicines, you should see your doctor if:

    • Your symptoms last longer than a few days or do not improve with medication
    • You lose weight you were not trying to lose
    • You have sudden or severe pain. Get immediate care if you feel a crushing or squeezing pain.
    • You have trouble swallowing
    • Your skin or eyes look pale or yellow
    • You vomit blood or have bloody, dark stool
    • Your stool looks like coffee grounds
  3. Determine if your gastroenteritis requires medical assistance. The other symptoms also associated with "stomach flu" can lead to a situation where you should see a doctor. These include:

    • You have been vomiting for more than two days
    • Diarrhea persists more than several days or is bloody
    • You have a persistent high fever of 101°F (38.3°C) or higher
    • You have lightheadedness, fainting, or confusion when standing
  4. Avoid certain medications before seeing your doctor. If or when you do decide to see a doctor, They can worsen some stomach pains.

    • If you know that the source of your cramps is menstrual, however, anti-inflammatories can be taken.
    • Acetaminophen is acceptable if your doctor has verified that your pain is not related to your liver.

Foods to Eat and Avoid and Tips for Dealing with IBS


  • Avoid eating spicy or heavily seasoned food, which can cause indigestion, heartburn, and stomach pain.
  • Try not to take OTC medications unless it's really necessary. Some medications can cause long-term issues if you take them too often.
  • Remain seated in an upright position and place pillows further up your back when sleeping so you are in an upright-ish position.
  • Sit up straight (not at an angle) have a hot pack and clear hot water and keep your feet elevated.
  • Look into the possibility that you might be suffering from a condition or a disease that causes cramping. Some of the conditions or diseases that can cause cramping include Crohn's disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), ulcers, diverticulitis, bowel obstruction, pancreatitis, ulcerative colitis, urinary infections, cancers, and hernias. Ask for your doctor's advice and seek medical testing and treatment options if this turns out to be an issue.
  • Try using a memory foam pillow while sleeping so you can stay in a more upright position.


  • Poisoning, including some animal and insect bites, can cause severe abdominal pain. If you've been bitten, stung, or come into contact with a poisonous chemical, then call Poison Control and follow their instructions.
  • This article offers information, but it does not offer medical advice. If you feel uncertain about identifying or treating your stomach cramps, then you should consult your doctor.

How To Get Rid Of A Cramp In Your Stomach


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