
How To Get A Cat To Stop Peeing On Everything

I am an animal lover and a devoted cat person. I write helpful articles based on my experiences as a cat mom.

Teach your cat not to pee in the house

Teach your cat not to pee in the house

How to Stop a Cat From Peeing in the House

Cat pee anywhere in the house can make your entire home smell like a litter box. Cats' urine contains strong-smelling proteins they use to mark their territory, a scent that is nearly impossible to eliminate. Cleaning it can often wet the crystallized proteins and reactivate the odor. It can be upsetting and very stressful.

The best way to get rid of the smell in your home is to prevent the cat from peeing there in the first place. Ignoring the problem or yelling at your cat will not make the problem go away. To prevent the inappropriate urination, the reason for your cat's misbehavior must first be addressed.

The first step to solving the problem is figuring out its reason. By peeing in the house, your cat is trying to tell you something is wrong. He could be sick, anxious, or unhappy with his litter box, but it will take some sleuthing to discover the source of your cat's behavior. Once you find the cause, you can begin to find a solution.

Here, you will find possible causes and solutions so you and your cat can live in harmony again.

It's time to retrain your cat to use the litter box

It's time to retrain your cat to use the litter box

Why Your Cat Is Peeing in the House

There are three main reasons a cat will pee in the house:

  1. Medical reasons
  2. Behavioral reasons
  3. A problem with the litter box itself

Let's look into each of these possibilities in more detail.

1. Medical Reasons

Medical reasons are the most common cause of incontinence in cats. Your cat should be checked by your vet to exclude these conditions:

  • Bladder stones or blockage. If your cat goes to the litter box often or exhibits any signs of pain or distress (mewing or crying, for example), or if its abdomen seems to be tender to the touch, then you have reason to suspect an obstruction of some kind. If the urine has traces of blood, then it is likely that your cat is experiencing serious blockage and must be taken to the vet immediately.
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI). If your cat pees small amounts quite often, it may have a urinary tract infection.
  • Feline interstitial cystitis. This inflammation of the bladder can cause a cat to need to pee so suddenly it doesn't have time to make it to the litter box.
What if your cat won't use the litter box?

What if your cat won't use the litter box?

2. Behavioral Reasons

If your cat's problem is behavioral, you'll need to find out why.

  • If you have recently moved to a new house, have any new people in the household, or have gotten a new pet, your cat may feel threatened. Any change in the cat's environment or schedule may have a negative effect on its training.
  • If your cat has gotten used to peeing in a certain spot, she'll keep returning to that spot because it smells like the right place and because she's gotten into the habit of going there. If she can smell the scent of her urine there, that's her cue to relieve herself there again.
  • Is your cat peeing or spraying? It's important to know the difference. Cats mark their territory, especially when they feel threatened. Although neutered and spayed cats are less likely to spray, some still do. Is there any reason your cat would feel the need to claim or reclaim its territory?
  • Cats also spray when they are stressed. If this is the case, there are many ways you can help to reduce your cat's anxiety levels.
The problem might be the litter box itself

The problem might be the litter box itself

3. A Problem With the Litter Box Itself

When your cat starts peeing in the house, the litter box should be considered. All too often, we ignore the obvious: You rush your cat to the vet fearing the worst, only to find out that the problem is a simple case of user error.

A cat that is unhappy with his box will stop using it. Think about it: would you use a dirty, smelly toilet? Of course not. Cats are very clean animals, and some of them are extremely finicky about their litter boxes.

If you can answer yes to any of the questions below, this may be your reason.

  • Have you recently moved the box? Cats adore privacy and lots of space, so make sure the litter box is in the correct location.
  • Is the litter dirty?
  • Are there too few boxes to serve all the cats in your house?
  • Is the cat ever prevented access to the litter box?
  • Is the litter box placed in a cramped spot? Does the cat have any reason to fear getting trapped there or not being able to escape easily?
  • Is the box located in a location that offers no privacy?
  • Does the litter box have a hood or sides that are too high?
  • Has your cat ever been upset or interrupted while using the box?
  • Are there any reasons your cat might have negative associations with the litter box?
  • Is your cat expressing a preference for peeing on certain surfaces or materials like carpet, fabric, or dirt?

Read More From Pethelpful

Note: A cat that has been declawed will have special needs when it comes to litter. You may need to switch to paper litter that is softer on those delicate paws.

Inappropriate Urination: How to Change Your Cat's Behavior

Once you've isolated the reason your cat is peeing in the house, you can begin to change its behavior. This will take time.

  • If your cat has been peeing where it shouldn't, you'll need to remove all trace of the smell or block off the area entirely. Clean the spot with an enzymatic cleanser rather than an ammonia-based one, cover with foil or plastic, and prevent access for several weeks to give the neutralizer sufficient time to work.
  • If there is a new cat in the house, give them separate litter boxes. Give them different territories until they are comfortable with each other. Sometimes not getting along can cause cats to show aggression through urination.
  • If your cat is threatened by a new baby, guest, or other change, give it time to adjust.
  • Moving to a new home is a big change in your cat's life. Not only is the cat claiming and adjusting to a new territory, but it might also be reacting to the scent of a former tenant's pet. You'll need to reassure your cat and completely remove all odors of other cats so your cat won't feel the need to mark its territory.

Don't forget to give extra attention, affection, and praise to your cat. Reassure your pet that it is a loved and important part of the family.

What Not to Do

Getting your cat to use the box is all about patience, not punishment. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Never rub a cat's nose in its urine or feces.
  • Never yell at the cat or physically drag it to the litter box.
  • Keep the litter box separate from where the cat eats or drinks.

Cat Pee in the House: Removing the Scent Will Prevent Its Return

There are several ways to stop your cat from peeing in the house.

First, you must remove the odor from your home. Your cat will keep returning to that area if he can pick up the scent. Clean up the urine as soon as possible. Wipe up the mess with a paper towel and then use a disinfectant and odor neutralizer. Avoid ammonia-based disinfectants because your cat will think it's urine and continue peeing in that area. A cleaning spray that lists orange oil in the ingredients works well. Cats dislike and will avoid the smell of citrus. A home remedy I use is homemade citrus cleaner made with orange peels. You can also use a good old-fashioned warm water and vinegar solution. Both are inexpensive and "green" alternatives to toxic chemical cleaning products.

Even if you can't smell it, your cat can.

  • To make sure you got all the urine off the floor, use a black light. A black light will show everything, even in spots you didn't know about.
  • You can also try moving your cat's food and water dish since a cat won't pee where it eats.
  • Aluminum foil is another option. Cover the spot where your cat has peed with foil. Cats don't like the sound or texture and will avoid it.
Homemade remedies for cleaning and repelling cat urine

Homemade remedies for cleaning and repelling cat urine

Homemade Products to Stop Your Cat from Peeing There

These are my homemade recipes for cleaning and repelling cat urine. I usually use a vinegar solution and a citrus spray. I like vinegar because it's better for the environment and better for me. If you have anyone in your home with breathing problems, harsh cleaning products can make things worse.

First, clean up the urine on the floor. Use paper towels or anything else you are willing to throw away. Then use either (or both!) of these two solutions:

Vinegar Cat Pee Cleaner and Repellant

This is the best method I have found to remove cat urine. It's also very cheap. Vinegar, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide: You can buy all these for less than five dollars.

  1. In an ordinary squirt bottle, mix three parts water to one part vinegar.
  2. Spray the affected area and let sit for a few minutes. This works better on hardwood or tile floors, but you can use it on carpet as well.
  3. Soak up the vinegar solution with paper towels.
  4. Allow the floor to become completely dry. If you are in a hurry, turn a small fan on the area, and it should be dry in a couple of minutes.
  5. Once the floor is dry, sprinkle baking soda over the affected area.
  6. Take hydrogen peroxide and some dish soap (doesn't matter which brand) and pour it over the baking soda.
  7. Use a scrub brush to scour the floor. This will kill all the bacteria that was left behind.
  8. After you have scrubbed the area thoroughly, soak up the excess with paper towels and allow to dry.

Homemade Citrus Cat Repellant

This solution won't remove the urine smell. It is mainly used to keep a cat away from a certain area because cats hate the smell of citrus. I don't know why, but they do. I have been making homemade cleaning products for years, long before it was cool to be "green." I have used this outdoors many times to keep feral cats away from my garden. I love my stray kittens, but I don't want them digging up my garden. This is safe to use in your home as well.

  1. Boil two cups of water in a pan.
  2. Add orange, lemon, and/or tangerine peels (about one cup).
  3. Let it simmer for about 20 minutes, and then remove from heat and let cool.
  4. Once it is cool, pour into a spray bottle. Add two teaspoons lemon juice and a squirt of dish soap (preferably lemon-scented). Shake to mix.

You can use this spray on furniture, walls, or parts of the floor you want the cat to avoid.

What do you think?

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

Do you have any helpful tips for cat owners?

catspyjamas (author) on December 02, 2018:

Take the cat to a vet for a check-up. It will be less costly than throwing away things that you own.

Ethan2018 on November 30, 2018:

I have 4 cats 2 males and 2 females but my cat Oscar is peeing a lot on baskets with clean cloths in them and my mother is at her breaking point. The cats even peed on our kitchen counter. We have had to throw away lots of towel Andb cloths because the cats have ruined them. I keep the litter clean and food Andy water filled I've also tried many different urine Eliminator sprays Andy non helped any. And I refuse to drug my cat and spend hundreds of dollars on a vet for no good reason. Some one please help me I don't want to loose my cats also all my cats are neutered

catspyjamas (author) on November 15, 2018:

I would separate the stray from your other cats. I think it's important to help and adopt strays when possible so please don't let this discourage you. I would also clean the area thoroughly so no scent of urine remains, otherwise the cats will continue to return to that area and remark it.

catspyjamas (author) on November 15, 2018:

I'm sorry you're going through this. Try separating the cats to see if they are still acting out.

catspyjamas (author) on November 15, 2018:

I would clean the area thoroughly and also put down plastic mats near the litter box. I would also give her extra attention so she feels secure. It sounds like anxiety to me.

catspyjamas (author) on November 15, 2018:

They may be reacting to the new kitten, and also to not being out. Perhaps you could limit the kitten access to the cat flap so the others can go out.

catspyjamas (author) on November 15, 2018:

Thank you for your suggestion

catspyjamas (author) on November 15, 2018:

Try adding a litterbox indoors

catspyjamas (author) on November 15, 2018:

Is he neutered? Something is causing him anxiety. I would give him extra attention so he feels secure.

catspyjamas (author) on November 15, 2018:

Is she afraid of any of the other cats? Something is causing her to act out. It's either anxiety or she has a medical issue.

catspyjamas (author) on November 15, 2018:

I would suggest adding a litter box inside where she can go.

catspyjamas (author) on November 15, 2018:

Unfortunately if a male cat isn't neutered he will spray. It's not something he can control.

Emily0115 on November 08, 2018:

Our cat Puffy has been driving the entire family crazy with his spraying everywhere. We bought de-scenting sprays and special cleaners, which he ignored and re-marked all over the house... Some advice? (I refuse neuter my cat.) Thank you.

RescueLover on July 19, 2018:

We need help! We have tried everything. :'(

We have a multi-cat household and all was well for many, many years. All of our original cats did just fine together. The problems started when a stray wandered to our home and refused to leave. He was injured and emaciated. At first I tried to tend to his wounds and just feed him outside while trying to find out where he came from. He would sit outside a door or window and cry, and cry and cry 24 hrs/day. All the rescues and shelters were full and no one would take him. Eventually we brought him in but kept him quarantined from our cats and continued to try to find either his owner or a new home. We ended up getting him fully vetted and gradually integrated him into our home as a "foster". No one would claim him and no one wanted to adopt him. He seemed fine at first, though showed serious signs of abuse. After a while, we discovered he has a severe peeing/marking issue! Unfortunately, some of our other male cats caught right on and joined in. Now only two out of six cats are not marking. Like I said, we have tried everything - right down to the vet putting the stray on anxiety medications. Nothing has worked for any length of time. I fear now all my original beloved pets are ruined! One of the original males is a bit mentally challenged and was so proud of this new "thing" he discovered that he could do (spraying) - he has no concept that it is bad and will do it right in front of us with a happy little twitter!

I have always been a huge advocate for rescuing animals and have adopted the "least likely to find homes" many, many times. (My two most recent were rescued as seniors - they are the only two that don't spray.) This has me so discouraged! I may never help a stray cat again. :'(

Please HELP!!! I love them and don't want them to have unhappy futures!

SandrineBonnaire1 on July 17, 2018:

So many people having problems with their cats urinating outside the box! It seems there is no permanent solution to this?? It's HELL!

We have four spayed females, all age 5. We adopted 2 at 3 months, the other two were fosters from the age of 10 days, we bottle fed them.

About a year ago two of the four developed the peeing problem. One is a grey/white cat, the other a butterball tabby.

One or the other has peed on: my purse, my kid's backpack, my Nikon camera (@#$@), the two Persian rugs (which are rolled up and not used now), my dresser, a Christmas gift under the tree, the dining room table (many times), my desk, the laundry basket, you name it! Also the bathroom sinks and bathtub.

We had Thing #1 (grey/white) evaluated and she had crystals in the urine--- not a UTI ---- so we switched to urinary formula food for all the cats. This initially seemed to help. Thing #2 (tabby) was not peeing either but still barfing 2x week. Interestingly it is only these two Things... our two black cats do not pee inappropriately and rarely barf.

We have two litter boxes,clean them daily and wash litter box weekly. We have no room for more litter boxes. One is in a rarely used bathroom. The other in a hallway. This is not a litter issue. They still urinate in the box, and always poop there.

My verdict is territorial, and vindictiveness. Things #1 and #2 both like to sleep in my bedroom, they tolerate one another but it could be them claiming turf. The tabby is very afraid of everything, she could also be peeing due to stress.

I have tried removing anything tempting for them to pee on. I never yell at them for peeing, usually it is after the fact anyway. But the other day seeing a pool of urine on my expensive camera, I was ready to ship the both of them to the shelter. :( :(

Could it be that four cats in a 1550 s.f. house is simply TOO MANY CATS for one small house??? Plus 4 humans.

Please offer some miracle advice as, short of building an outdoor cattery, we are at wit's end.

ColieWhite on July 08, 2018:


So, I'm not sure what else to do at this point.

My cat likes to pee next to/very close by her litter box, and has been doing so for several years now.

Sabrina is ~7 years old, and recently became a solo cat. When I first got her, I also got her brother/littermate (Tux). Both were fixed at the same time, around 6 months old.

On June 11th, I moved out of my parent's house and brought Sabrina with me. We were hoping that moving would be the solution to the problem that is her peeing on the floor because we were pretty positive that she started peeing on the floor due to Tux attacking her when she tried to use it.

Up until a few nights ago, it seemed like it had worked- no signs of her going to the bathroom anywhere other than the litter box and I was scooping at least once every other day.

I haven't noticed any real changes in her behavior otherwise, but noticed a couple of "wet" looking marks on the floor by the litter box. Wasn't actually wet when I touched and didn't smell like anything.

But tonight I cleaned out the litter box (there were clumps of urine in it!), made a mental note to get litter (I buy Dr. Elsey's Cat Attract litter, as recommended by the vet) to fill it up and then as I was getting ready for bed heard the sound of liquid hitting the floor and sure enough she had just peed on the floor a foot from the litter box (located in an alcove in my bedroom, her food is about 10 feet away).

Tomorrow I'm going to clean the floor with enzyme cleaner, and possibly clean the litter box itself as well. It was/is a brand-new box; it was not at the old house.

Could a low level of litter be an issue? Is it just too dirty (the same litter has been in it for ~a month)?

If I don't get it stopped, I am going to have to give her up and I don't want to do that- she is my baby. But I can't have her ruining hard wood floors from the 1920's like she ruined the wood floors at my mom's house.

Thank you!

Daisy Janr on June 25, 2018:

So we have three resident cats and recently bought a new kitten. We've shut the cat flap and are just letting the older cats in and out using the back door so the kitten doesn't get out. We live near a main road, so although the kitten is now 20 weeks we don't want to let him out yet. This is has worked with all three of the other cats. However now the three other cats are spraying and marking their territory all over the house. How can we solve this without just letting all the cats out? Will getting the kitten neutered help? Thank you!

rhavdasshoppe on June 17, 2018:

May I make a suggestion for your Citrus Blend? Please do not boil the water or let it simmer with the essential oils in it. If you do so, you will lose the potency (smell) of the essential oil and it's ability to do it's job. Essential oils when put into water at a certain temperture (better known as a flash point) destroy the abilities of the essential oils. Essential oils are naturally anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-septic, anti-bacterial, anti-biotic and smell good to humans. Straight Vick's Vapor Rub on the affected area after cleaning also works well because the cats don't like the smell of Vick's. I am making these suggestions due to my being an aromatherapist for over 30 years and having done cat rescue for over 12 years as well as having 4 cats now. Each of our cats has their own personality and react in different ways.

Patsy00 on June 08, 2018:

I have two ragdolls, one roams and behaves like a normal cat and the other NEVER leaves the house. He digs up the garden and goes to the bathroom out there but if there's an easier option will always pee inside. Both are fixed and it's not spraying. I'm at my wits end, it's like he's too lazy to go outside. What do i do?

catspyjamas (author) on May 28, 2018:

It sounds to me that you are doing everything right.

Delanie Jones on May 09, 2018:

I've tried everything! (However moving the food dish I may try)

4 yrs ago I rescued a female Seal Point Tabby; named her Squeak. Squeak is small, weights about 3lbs. You'd think she's a kitten. She's now 15 yrs old. Everything was great, then I thought she was lonely, so I got another cat, Bella's a long hair tuxedo cat. Bella's the same age, passive, & very shy. Bella's normal size & about 5-6lbs Squeak is the alpha. Both cats are rescues & both came to me declawed (front only). I'd never do that!

I followed all the instructions. I kept Bella, segregated for 6 weeks, slowly introducing them. Each has their own cat box, food, treats, toys, water, bedding, at different areas of the house. I also have 2 other cat boxes to use. I am home with the cats daily. Both cats are cat box potty trained. The introduction didn't go well. Bella is non threatening, and wants to be Squeaks friend. Squeak, is small but mighty. Bella stays clear of Squeak, still!

3 yrs after we had Squeak we found out that she used to live down the street! She didn't play well with other animals. Great! Espescially dogs, they had 3, & 1 cat. The owner moved & left "Squeak" behind. 1 day Squeak bolted, not likely the busy home & all the animals.

She's always had a unique personality, the neighbors confirm this. We'vd gotten used to her attitude. She's adorable, playful, but will hiss if she is annoyed. (such as when we're watching TV & need to get up. She's on our lap, & displeased that she has to move, so she'll hiss. When we sit back down, up she jumps & settles in purring. Her hiss we've become accustomed to; like a greeting or goodbye. We call it her "relief valve."

We bonded & fell in love with Bella when we got her. Bella has never been agressive at all. Has NEVER hissed once. She's very passive. I call her Boo, bc she will hide if anyone comes over. Squeak IS the welcoming committee, very social. (We have a very quiet house. Kids all grown and moved out. We don't have company over very often, so not noisy stressful house.)

We had Bella for 4 months, when Squeak began throwing up, so I took her in to the vet. The vet took tests & said she had FIV.

nothappyatall on April 24, 2018:

help! my cat has been peeing all over my house, on carpets, everywhere. I clean with bleach vinegar and have the special solution to get rid of the hormones so he wont return, he does. Sadly I think I have to get rid of him. I have taken him to the vet, spent almost 1000 dollars. They say nothing is wrong with him, gave me all the tips you suggest here and ran tests. I am truly sad, I have no idea what to do but my home now smells like a big cat urine box and I have to get rid of my things because he has ruined my belongings. Please help

catspyjamas (author) on April 21, 2018:

Depending on how old the kitten is. 9 months and older should be fine to get him neutered.

Leencey Guadarram on April 18, 2018:

We've had a our cat for 2 years now and his been fix since he was a kitten....but we recently got a new kitten thats not fix and he is peeing on our bed ... could he be trying to mark his territory so little? Will fixing him help?

Bella Rose123807 on March 19, 2018:

We rescued an kitten from outdoors about hmm almost an year ago.its an turtle calico kinda like the cat u shown above with the cat under the coverings but back on topic. Coco keeps peeing in the shower or behind the toilet and we always clean it with bleach and its like she just seems to pee everywhere she wants. Like my sisters room she pees in all the corners and i seem to notice if the fabric looks like this covering on the coffee pot she pees on it (coffee pot's covers like woven and soft). She doesn't seem at all interested in anyone but my older sister bianca (not the one peeing in her room that's my other sister Jalissa). We've tried everything and were getting tired of it. We've gotten her neutered all our cats are neutered (male and female's).we have 14 cats (we have an big house with many other animals) We notice she poops in the catbox she also pees but it seems whenever shes not alone she wont use the catbox and will pee wherever she pleases. ITS QUITE ANNOYING. I'd like to know what i should do..?

Mummyof4 on March 11, 2018:

My cat is driving me crazy! I have tried everything on this list and she still pees where she shouldn't! There is nothing wrong with her health wise. We have not moved house, she has the same food etc.

She pee's in my sons pram, no matter how many times I wash it or spray it! Even if the litter box is cleaned. She got neutered 2 yrs ago so it's not that. My window is open on a daily basis, she is just refuses to go out. Or holds it until she comes back in!

My male cat happily goes outside to the toilet, infact he's out pretty much all the time. What can I do? I am seriously at my wits end with her! Please help me before I get rid of her. I've had her from being 8 weeks old, so really don't want to do that

catspyjamas (author) on January 21, 2018:

He could want to go outside, or it could be that he is picking up the scent of urine there and wants to pee there. I would clean the area thoroughly. If he is not neutered, I would suggest you take him to the vet. If it continues, he may have a UTI or other medical issue and should be looked at by your vet.

colkay on January 16, 2018:

My cat pees by the front door for some reason but he goes poo fine in the litter box i dont understand why. please help

catspyjamas (author) on December 23, 2017:

It sounds very stressful for the cat.

catspyjamas (author) on December 23, 2017:

Yes, he could be afraid of the scent.

catspyjamas (author) on December 23, 2017:

I would schedule an appointment with the vet.

Dawn on December 20, 2017:

I have a 7 year old cat that has just started to pee in the basement on the bed it's driving me crazy nothing has changed in our house same food and litter for the past 7 years what can I do.

Andi4069 on December 04, 2017:

My boyfriend's mom's cat pees on her bed & the couch. I believe that there are 2 reasons:

1. The dogs eat all her food. Mum doesn't refill her dish or put it out of reach of the dogs. The cat recently started pestering me for food, so i started putting food down for her then putting it up as soon as she's finished. Kind of a pain, but I'm retty sure the cat has been bbehving. I'm afraid to ask for certain reasons.

2. I have been able to do the above mentioned cuz I'm laid off work for the winter. However, I was attending training all last week, so i wasn't available to cater to the cat. I came home from class last week on Wed or Thurs & heard that the cat had peed on Mum's bed. I know it's cuz the dumb dogs ate her food again & Mum didn't put more down for her. Reese responded by peeing on the bed, to which Mum responded by not giving her anymore food & locking her out of all the rooms.

Cats graze all day, they don't wolf their food like dogs, so if the dogs eat all her food, it stands to reason to cater to the cat a little, if for no other reason than to keep her from pissing on the furniture (always the couch & Mum's bed & Mum's home all day everyday). But trying to tell an 80 yro woman who favors the dumb as a rock English Setter she spoils any of the above just pissez her off, so i cater to the cat when i can cuz I'm a cat person, & not real crazy about dogs. Her dog is an asshole with ussues of his own due to her spoiling, but that's a post for the dumb dog page... lol...

catspyjamas (author) on November 30, 2017:

Glad it helped :)

Tin on November 24, 2017:

A skunk sprayed just outside our basement door. The cats litter is in the basement. Since this happened the cat has sprayed/peed in a number of spots (on carpet) in the house and not in his litter. Could the smell of skunk cause the cat to do this. He's only ever peed once out of the litter on a bag in the house and it was just after he moved from another house.

Rick Hane on November 20, 2017:

I have a lot of cats, I also have a lot of litter boxes to accommodate the cats I hope. I need to get rid of some of them but all shelters are full in my area and to be truthful I care about them to the point that I don't want to take them somewhere where the will live in a cage without any future of a forever home. This is a huge burden on me and has been for several years now. They are reproducing faster than I can afford to have the spayed or neutered. I would love to have some sincere advice on how to make my situation more tolerable. Thank you!

angela koykka on November 16, 2017:

Hi I had taken my cat to the vet in this summer cause she was peeing in the basement floor so they gave her meds and new food for urinary and calm and it worked until last sunday she has started again and she is still eating the same food until this day her litter is always clean she has fresh food and water and no new changes in my concern is I cant afford taking her to vet. please help.

Thank you

Cat Lover on November 08, 2017:

Thank you for your information. I'm now know reason why my cat pee on my carpet a few months ago. Your article is so helpful.

catspyjamas (author) on November 01, 2017:

Thank you

The Carpet Kings on November 01, 2017:

A Very informative article, the writing is well articulated, just goes to show the knowledge the writer possesses in this industry.

I will be giving some of these tips a try in the future

Christine on October 28, 2017:

a total lie that a cat won't piss or crap where it eats..mine does..19 yr. old pain in the neck cat..

Sarah Larson on October 25, 2017:

How long does the Citrus spary to work so cat will stop peeing where they are not to pee?

BraneeM on October 23, 2017:

At this point I just don't know what it could be. And what to do from here. PLEASE HELP!!!

BraneeM on October 23, 2017:

I brought a stray cat in from outside last year, the first I've had cats in a long long time. So she has been in doors for over a year now, around my dog for over a year, also has had her litter box and food in the same spot since coming in, which is in the bathroom. My dog took a bit to adjust to her so we had to keep the cat in the bathroom until the dog for used to her scent in the house. They have no issues now, and having her food and litter in the same room doesn't seem to affect her any. Also the bathroom seems to be her safe place, it's where she runs too to get away from people. I was pregnant when I brought her in and it wasn't long till she started peeing on me while I was sleeping, my clean clothes and then babies new stuff we were getting, I also caught her spraying when she was going into heat. April of this year she was spayed, and the peeing issues seemed to have stopped. But now irs happening again. She owes on my sneakers( along side our couch close to the front door and two big windows) She has also pooped in my purse!! MY PURSE!!! lately i haven't caught her peeing any where, and didn't see the two poop disasters. Her litter box is cleaned out multiple times a day, she keeps her distance from the baby, and I do my best to give her attention and affection but she is a very moody cat. She only likes to be bothered when she wants it, and even when she does come to you for attention it isn't long before she is attacking tour hands, scratching and biting. The smell of urine is getting worse, and it's so disgusting to think that my child could be crawling around in it. I'm at my wits end with it. But I love her so much and just don't know what to do. I have used Kids and pet's spray to clean and keep her from going in the same spots. But st this point

catspyjamas (author) on October 18, 2017:

Sorry for the late reply. It is possible due to her age and the dementia that could be the problem. I would speak to your vet.

catspyjamas (author) on October 18, 2017:

Sorry for the late reply. It's best not to change litters unless there is a problem. I would also stick to the non scented type as cats have a much stronger smell than us and some don't like the perfumey smell of some litters.

Painthacker on October 06, 2017:

One f my cats was peeing on a porch chair all the time. I finally bought a water alarm - they're use to alert tou to flooded basements. I also bought some of those pads they use in beds for incontinent people. Well, that night I put the pad in the chair and put the alarm on top of it. Sure enough, in the middle of the night I heard the alarm screech and there was just a tiny spot of pee on the pad. Scared the cat right off, it did. He's never peed in that chair again.

Gemma on September 19, 2017:

I am literally begging you for help! I have the most beautiful 18 yr old - Winnie -she is one of 4 cats and they have all been together all their lives. 3 years ago I split with my ex and whilst I moved out and he stayed with Winnie he did not look after her very well, she became stressed out and was seeing and pooing in one of the bedrooms, something he ignored until I found out and got her checked over. It was stress related and a form of IBS as he also had a Doberman there which she was terrified of. When we eventually sold the house I bought my house here and I decided to bring her here as it was a safer place for her to be where she didn't have to be afraid ( away from the dog ). I live in a new build which I have worked my heart out to buy, about 2 weeks after I moved in she started weeing and pooing on the front door matt which in those days was installed into the floor, this behaviour calmed down in terms of the pooing stopped but over the last 3 years I have paid hundreds to get people round here to replace it as it was so damaged. The last straw came about 2 months ago and I decided the only way to get rid of the scent was to replace the entire floor which I have done - but it hasn't worked. She is still peeing almost every day, She won't use a litter tray and if I put one there then the other 3 will use it so it will get dirty very quickly, I have tried puppy pads as a way to deal with it but she just wees over them so it still soaks my beautiful wood floor, I have tried sprays scents, citrus, putting some food there as they don't wee near the food, washable door matts ( I was giving in ), Every single day I wake up and I have to wash the entire floor before going to work, as in dry it, wash it and then steam it. Same when I get home. I am worried if anyone rings the doorbell I can't even get to the door as there is a barrier of cat week. So Winnie is an incredible girl ( aside from this ) but, she is 18, she does have a little dementia so training her won't work, She also is on blood pressure meds as of last week, she drinks loads as she has kidney disease too. I am literally begging for help! I need to stop her doing this its devastating but I am totally out of options? Sorry for the essay, just wanted to give you all background.

Robyn Edward on September 19, 2017:

I Just changed the kind of the cat litter and now my cat is peeing allover my place in clean laundry well clean clothes and the couch the floor she's not old only 3. I bought more of her old litter and emptied the cat box so it cleaned mixed the 2 different cat litter and she's still peeing despite the cat litter being clean I'm going to empty it out wash the cat litter and not mix the the 2 different cat litter and hope it solves the problem. I'm going to clean and use a orange oil not happy with my cat.

Laura on September 17, 2017:

My cat has always gone outside and why she has chosen to start to come in and go on my couch and my rug is beyond me but my husband is ready to take her to the humane society, seriously! Help me!!!

catspyjamas (author) on September 13, 2017:

It sounds behavioural to me. Something is upsetting him and causing him to act out. It may be a recent development with your daughter's cat or something else he is objecting to. I would try to separate them and give him extra attention. I would also do a thorough cleaning, he will continue to pee in the house if he smells it on the floor.

tudy000 on September 05, 2017:

I have a 5 years old cat that i adopted a year ago,we let her use the litter box from our last cat and that wasn't a problem for her,but 2 months ago she started peeing on one corner wall of our bath tub,it makes the bathroom stink like crazy,she is castrated ,she is happy,healthy,what the hell could it be wrong with her,today i rinsed my bath tub with lemon juice,lets see what happens... Our last cat used to do it in the sink,with us there in the bathroom,and we would just rinse with water and that's it no smell,also i never catch this one doing it,i only see pee almost dry inside the bath tub...I know if i'd slap her she won't do it next time,but i never catch her in the moment...

Tlpowell3186 on August 30, 2017:

I have two cats, Dembsey is my cat and is 2 years old are other cat is my daughters and we have had for about 8 months Figaro(he is leaving in a couple weeks) recently my cat Dembsey has decided to pee outside of his box also poop outside the box. I have 3 boxes in mt home, I keep clean on a regular basis. (if Dembsey has poop in his box is will poop right outside the box, so I have to keep his main box clean at all times) but now he is peeing, peeing in front of his litter box in his room and also all over the room. We have found him peeing in our in closed porch where we also have another litter box. My cat is not spraying, believe me, he is peeing and they are puddles. He is healthy, vet checked. Also he will pee right on his food mat, I have a mat down where we put his food and I am finding pee on that and under it. Even though for the first 6 months of us having my daughters cat my cat did very good, no issues. This just started, I clean the areas good when it happens but as soon as my daughters cat goes back home I am going to do some heavy duty cleaning, I am even going to try the the stuff that is on this page. I need to stop this and I just don't know what to do any more. I have 3 boxes in my home, I have been using the same little since we brought our cat home (yesterday news, I do not like smelly litters plus my cat does not like crystal litters) He has been vet checked, he has been fixed, he is not a loving cat, we did lose one of our dogs this past May (2017) I did take on my daughters cat while she was looking for a new home and we have had him 8 months and he is leaving in 2 weeks. But my cats issues just started about a month ago. Help Please.....Thank you for taking the time to read this.

JVB on August 22, 2017:

I have two cats, two litter boxes. I keep there fairly clean, scooping out every other day or so. One of my cats will literally pee on the floor directly in front of the two clean litter boxes.

She's a little over weight, and I was concerned about a UTI but brought her to the vets and nothing remarkable.

I try spraying Nature's Miracle in the spot but I feel like that's not helping. Any ideas to keep her away from peeing there? Was going to try the tinfoil but where she is peeing is directly in front of the litter box so I don't want her scared trying to get into the litter box.

Lisa on July 26, 2017:

I have 2 cats one 6 1/2 and the other 6 both are clean always use the kitty litter box but recently we have been given a 5 month old kitten we have had her for 9 days now on the first day she urinated in the bath and pooped in the litter box. For the next week she was good using the box no problem but yesterday she urinated on the foot stool and on the couch today she pooped in the sink and urinated on a different couch. Our older cats have just started to accept her so that is not the problem. Does anyone have any ideas what is the best natural way to deter her as I can not take smelly sprays or aerosols.

MEMA on July 22, 2017:

Have just purchased citi kitty to train my cat to go in the potty and everything was going fine until she saw first hole . They all of a sudden started to pee inside my bathtub or on the corner behind the toilet-she'll poop in the tray on the toilet but she'll pee behind the toilet or inside bathtub. If I return the full tray to toilet she usually is ok...will my kitty ever learn to go in the toilet? She does love hanging around it and is not scared when I flush it.

I might also add that she is still not a year old so do you think maybe she is still to young to hold herself steady in toilet seat? Any answers will be greatly appreciated.

Julie on July 09, 2017:

We have a 9 year old cat we adopted from the shelter. She seems to have been abused as she won't let you pick her up, lay with you, etc. She stalks my other cats, meows at inanimate objects & has now started peeing outside the box. Also, she came to us declawed on her front paws. I've tried cleaning with vinegar, baking soda, Orange/lemon she will just move to another place. I really think she's got a chemical imbalance. But I can't with this peeing crap.

Amber owens on June 28, 2017:

Mu cat started peeing outside of the litter box first it started on just plastic bags and now she's moved up to peeing on my recliner I'm not sure what to do I've cleaned it with vinegar baking soda and peroxide she is fixed please help

Lynn on June 26, 2017:

My 2 cats out of 4 have been having pissing wars for 3 years now. I am so fed up I have done and tried everything. Every inch of the outer perimeter of my living and dining room has been pissed on. I clean and block a spot, the next day they mark a new spot down 3 or 4 inches from the blocked spot. I block the new spot the next day they just make a new spot. They have even peed in front of the 40 dollar feliway plug in diffusers. My drapes are ruined from constantly washing them of pee. The backing is disintegrated. They sprayed a new mattress, have ruined the side of a dresser. They pee in front of the doors, what a welcome smell. Both are spayed and healthy . It's all territorial with them. I have 4 litter boxes. Have tried calming collars, sprays, feliway, aluminum foil, flower essences etc. I think I have to get rid of 1 of them.

Taylor on June 13, 2017:

My cat has been peeing around my house for five years now. We have taken her to the vet but they could not find anyting wrong with her. Now my mom is threatning to put her to sleep and cage her till she breaks the habit. I don't know what to do, we do have a lot of animals in the house, my cat does not get along with my dog and she HATES my dad. She has taken to peeing on clothes, beds and furniture. I've tried tin foil, but its just not practical, we've bought another kitty litter box be she never used it. I think she pees because of stress and frustration, but I don't know what to do. Please help! I don't want to lose my cat.

catspyjamas (author) on June 12, 2017:

I would take him to the vet for a check-up. The alarms could cause him to be overly anxious.

Pat Patmor on June 12, 2017:

My newest kitty was peeing on the kitchen floor. I have 4 cats. I have 8 litter boxes. I had them all in one room, but Joey kept peeing in the kitchen and in other places. So I put litter boxes in the areas where he was peeing. That solved the problem everywhere except in the kitchen. I don't want a litter box in my kitchen, so I needed something else. I bought some of the alarms that are made to detect water leaking from a water heater. They cost about $12 at Home Depot. I put them on the floor in the kitchen where Joey had been peeing. One night, one of the alarms went off. Joey hasn't peed there since. The only problem with the alarms is that they sound like smoke detectors, so when it went off in the middle of the night, I wasn't sure if I had a fire or if Joey had peed on the floor in the kitchen. Since then, he hasn't peed on the kitchen floor. But he did find another spot in the hallway to pee, so I put one of the alarms there. So far, he hasn't peed in the hall. Maybe seeing an alarm there scared him.

catspyjamas (author) on June 02, 2017:

There is bacteria in cat urine

catspyjamas (author) on June 02, 2017:

Try baking soda and vinegar

Lil on June 01, 2017:

We got a dog and he decided to mark so now my cat does in my room, wonderful.

Can't get rid of the smell no matter what we try.

asd on June 01, 2017:

Some helpful advice here, except...

"Use a scrub brush to scour the floor. This will kill all the bacteria that was left behind."

Uh-uh, sure it will. Why are we killing bacteria anyway? I thought we were cleaning cat urine...

Renee on May 08, 2017:

My cat started peeing outside the litter box around a year ago and was diagnosed with a thyroid issue. She is on meds for it and doing well. All her labs come back great - kidney's are perfect, etc. Since then she has consistently peed right next to the litter box. I've tried changing litters, adding boxes, moving them over the area, using enzymatic cleaners, moving one to another room, etc. We've had a lot of changes, moving, etc. and she doesn't do it during the highest stress times - this last move it was 3 weeks in the new house before she peed on the floor. She was recently diagnosed with the beginning stages of a UTI but has been on an antibiotic for it. I've noticed no improvement at all, if anything it seems to be worse since she is feeling better! I think it's just become a bad habit by now. For a while I was using puppy pads by the box when we were in an apartment and I couldn't take the chance of not being able to get the smell out of the floor. I want to know if the foil and/or citrus scent around the boxes will keep her from getting into the boxes or just make her not want to pee where those are and therefore encourage her to get into the boxes where it's more to her liking. I just don't know what else to do at this point since I think it's just a bad habit I don't know how to break. We do have another cat, but 3 boxes and they don't usually have issues - they eat/drink next to each other so I don't think that's the problem. Any advice would be very welcome! Thank you!

Jessica on April 28, 2017:

My cat is almost 10 now. My family got a dog 10 months ago, and moved about 7 months ago. The fact that we moved never caused any major disturbances between both pets, but recently, my cat has been peeing on a piece of furniture nearly every day. They seem to be the same spots that he frequently pees on; my brother's bed, our couch, a chair on our terrace, my dog's mattress, and my parent's bed. I don't understand what has gotten into him. He did have a problem with bladder control when he was younger, but that was resolved. However, upon our vet's request, we have just started giving him half a pill twice a day for stress relief and a needle that supports the control he has over his bladder. This seems to have made no change in his behavior. We continue to use the vinegar recipe to wash away the scent of his pee, but his is so strong that we'll have to wash it 3 or 4 times for the smell to diminish a tiny bit. He still does not get along with the dog, and refuses to spend time with her without hissing, or repeatedly hitting her in the face. I don't understand what is wrong with him and my family is deciding to give him away. I'm desperate for a last-minute miracle. Any tips?

Julie on April 27, 2017:

You didn't mention keeping the litter tray itself clean. It's no good just putting clean litter in, you need to wash the tray itself. Especially if your cat scratches the tray when they have finished - the smells get "trapped" in the scratch marks. A swill round with hot water once a week for an indoor cat is enough. NEVER use disinfectant or kitchen sprays on it - you'll end up killing your cat. I also buy new trays annually.

Incidentally - if you de claw your cat you are vile and should be ashamed. Consider getting something you don't need to mutilate.

Mattie Hoffman on April 17, 2017:

I have 2 cats it is the male that is the problem. I been trying different kitty litter thinking that might be the problem. I would like to know what type would you recommend.

catspyjamas (author) on April 03, 2017:

Yes, cats don't like the tactile feeling of foil on their paws.

Katie on March 31, 2017:

My one cat, she is a little older and she kept repetitively peeing on the carpet. We took her to the vet, she got tested, and everything came back normal and okay. So we tried every remedy and nothing was working until one day we found something that was going to work. My cat does not pee in that spot any more, and she uses the litter box like she should. My remedy is putting foil down in the spot that your cat is peeing in. It worked for me. I recommend it if you are having peeing issues with your cat. Just don't take the foil up for a long time or they possibly could get back in the habit of peeing in that spot again.

catspyjamas (author) on March 23, 2017:

She wants to be outside and is peeing in inappropriate places to get your attention. I don't believe in letting cats out due to the danger. If the behaviour continues, see the veterinarian.

Problem... on March 19, 2017:

I have a bengal cat and it keeps peeing on the mattresses. We cleaned it up with some urine destroyer at the pet store near us. Is there a better way to remove the urine? The cat also keeps coming back to smell and scratch at it.

annawasicek on March 18, 2017:

please i hope you can help me.

my cat has always been inside but just recently she snuck outside after that i have been letting her outside. she will stay outside for days at a time if she wants but ever since then she has been peeing in my kids toy box , clothes, beds and rooms. i dont know whats wrong?

catspyjamas (author) on March 15, 2017:

It doesn't need to be refrigerated. The vinegar smell will evaporate quickly.

Michelle S on March 13, 2017:

How long is the spray good for? Does it need to be refrigerated? Do either of these solutions leave your house smelling like vinegar for very long?

Thanks so much for the post!

catspyjamas (author) on March 11, 2017:

You need to call the vet, something is wrong. Has he been checked for diabetes? It sounds to me that something is definitely going on that needs to be addressed.

catspyjamas (author) on March 11, 2017:

I agree. Positive reinforcement works wonders.

Desirae on March 10, 2017:

We are stressed out. We have had urine test, blood tests, xrays and over all our cat seems really healthy. However he is not using the little box at all. He started out of the blue and got better with antibiotics. Or so we thought, he started again about two weeks later. A new antibiotic was given along with kitty prozac and again he seemed to get better. It's been a week since the antibiotic has been done and he is peeing all over the place again. Today he has not been his usual cuddly self, he hasn't eaten at all and he just climbed up on my son (my cat's favorite person in the house) and pooped on him. What is going on with this cat? His fur is all puffed out tonight and the hair on his back was standing up when he pooped on my son.

Jay on March 10, 2017:

If they go in the box, reward them.

catspyjamas (author) on March 06, 2017:

Unfortunately that sometimes happens that a cat will not be trained, usually if they are homeless or feral before adoption. As long as she is happy, you are doing the right thing. I would also put a litter tray in the garage to see if she will use it.

catspyjamas (author) on March 06, 2017:

It sounds to me like a behavioural problem. I would avoid using bleach to clean up his messes, as cats don't like the strong smell. I would also put his food dishes back to where they were before. I would buy an extra litter box to see if he using that one, putting it in a different area. If the behaviour continues, he can be put on anxiety meds, but I would use that as a last resort.

LisaPedley on March 05, 2017:

Please help! I have had my ragdoll for 4 years and for 3 of those he used the tray fine, no issues. A year ago he just started weeing and pooing on the floor, next to his litter tray. I have taken him to the vet, no issues. I have bought every litter on the market, he was not interested. He will use his original litter and tray, but only if we are watching him. When we are asleep he will wee on the floor next to the tray or poo next to the tray. We were using bleach and disinfectant to clean it up, and so on the weekend we spent 3 hours cleaning the floor, we checked with a black light and got every spot, used your method above, including spraying the citrus, just to wake up this morning for him to pee on the floor next to it! Then my husband went out for 17 mins, and he peed on the floor in that time! We have two Feliway dispenses, no luck, we have put his food next to his tray (which we were told could be done as a last resort) and he pooed in his own food!! We dont punish him, we encourage him and give cuddles and love when he uses it but the minute we arent there he uses the floor. We just dont know what to do anymore. We feel like he is doing it purely to annoy us, as he seems to know he needs to use it, but chooses not to! We are at our wits end! Any further suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

marla baxter on March 02, 2017:

I adopted a shelter cat 2 years ago, she was 2. From the beginning she peed outside the litter box. Took her to the vet, spent $600 in 6 months. She is playful, curious, a hunter, touchy, afraid, doesn't like to be held or petted on tummy, and after a year she finally will rub on my leg. She loves me best, hides when people come over and is happiest when outside. I can't leave her in the house at night because of the peeing, so she sleeps in the garage.

catspyjamas (author) on February 26, 2017:

I would take her to the vet for a check-up. Also clean the carpet thoroughly to remove any urine smell.

catspyjamas (author) on February 26, 2017:

I would suggest that you let the older one use the litter box until they feel comfortable with the enclosure. You could slowly move the litter box towards the enclosure.

catspyjamas (author) on February 26, 2017:

Have you tried another litter, perhaps something softer? You could start with shredded paper and work your way back to regular litter.

catspyjamas (author) on February 26, 2017:

I am assuming he has a litter box indoors. He may have felt threatened and wanted to go outside and fight another cat. I recommend you keep your cat indoors, it's safer for him.

catspyjamas (author) on February 26, 2017:

I would put another litter box on the upstairs. Cats will spray if they feel stressed from other cats, like the outside one. Then they were urinate more in your home until you get it under control. I would clean every area thoroughly and remove the table. Use a blacklight to see any hidden spots. Also, put up some barrier to keep the outside cat from marking at your door.

catspyjamas (author) on February 26, 2017:

Take the cat to the vet to find out what the problem is.

catspyjamas (author) on February 26, 2017:

I have had cats for years and never had a problem. If you feel concerned, do not use it. I recommend it as an alternative to costly chemical based urine cleaners or cat deterrents.

catspyjamas (author) on February 26, 2017:

I would suggest she see the vet. They can check her for any issues. If it is behavioural, she can go on medication as a last resort.

catspyjamas (author) on February 26, 2017:

She is afraid of the dog. Sorry for the late reply. I would suggest slowly getting them to be comfortable with each other.

catspyjamas (author) on February 26, 2017:

Sorry for the late reply. I would clean the step with vinegar to remove the urine smell. I have no experience with cat flaps. Give him time to adjust to the new one or remove it entirely.

catspyjamas (author) on February 26, 2017:

That's an interesting alternative. I have never tried it before.

catspyjamas (author) on February 26, 2017:

He could smell another animal on it. He could also smell urine from before and want to re mark it. I would put the bag out of his reach. If it happens on other things in your home, he should see the vet for a check-up.

catspyjamas (author) on February 26, 2017:

Are they neutered? I would also switch to a clay based litter. Corn litter can confuse cats, as corn is an ingredient in most cat foods.

catspyjamas (author) on February 26, 2017:

I wouldn't recommend a corn based litter. Stick with clay or rock.

catspyjamas (author) on February 26, 2017:

Your cars sound like they are acting out. Try giving them a quiet space in your home to see if it helps with their behaviour. Also give them extra attention so they feel loved and secure.

How To Get A Cat To Stop Peeing On Everything


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